Installing ColdFusion 9

Undeploy ColdFusion in the J2EE configuration

  1. Remove all ColdFusion specifications from the java.args and java.library.path JVM arguments used by your application server.

  2. (Windows only) If you installed ODBC support, remove the ODBC Windows services by navigating to the cf_webapp_root\WEB_INF\cfusion\db\SequeLink Setup directory and executing the RemoveSequeLink.bat file.

  3. If necessary, copy and save CFM pages from the ColdFusion web application root.

  4. Undeploy the ColdFusion web application using application-server-specific undeploy functionality.

    1. In JRun 4, you undeploy by deleting the jrun_root/server/servername/cfusion-ear directory.

    2. On Oracle 10g, using Enterprise Manager, go to oc4j_instance /Applications, select Adobe ColdFusion 9 application, and then select Undeploy. Return to the Enterprise Manager home page, go to oc4j_instance /Administration/Server Properties, select the PATH variable containing the following, and select Remove:

    3. On WebLogic, open the WebLogic Administrator., open the WebLogic Administration Console (http://hostname:portnumber/console) and go to domainname > Deployments > Applications. Click the trash can to the right of the ColdFusion MX application, and then click Yes. Open the startup script for the WebLogic domain and remove ColdFusion-specific entries, as follows:

      CF_SHARED_LIB_DIR (also remove CF_SHARED_LIB_DIR from PRE_PATH) 
      LD_LIBRARY_PATH (UNIX only, remove ${CF_SHARED_LIBS}) 
      (Windows only) JINTEGRA_PATH (also remove JINTEGRA_PATH from PRE_PATH) 
      (Windows only) Remove jintegra.jar from PRE_CLASSPATH 
      Remove ColdFusion arguments from MEM_ARGS 
  5. If necessary, restart the application server.