Deploying ColdFusion 9 on JBoss Application Server
ColdFusion 9 supports JBoss with the following specifications:
JBoss 4.2/5.0.1 (uses Tomcat 6.0.x Server Container)
Sun JDK 1.5 and Sun JDK 1.6
Host OS - Windows 2003 server SP1, Solaris 10, and RH Linux
4AS/5 AS
ColdFusion 9 has not been tested using JBoss under the following
JBoss using a servlet container other than
Operating systems that are not in the previous list
Note: If you are already using an application with
context root of /, use a context root other than / for the cfusion-ear
file. If you specified / when you installed ColdFusion, you can
change it by opening the cfusion-ear/META-INF/application.xml file
in a text editor and modifying the context-root element. After you
deploy the cfusion-ear file, you access ColdFusion pages by specifying http://hostname:portnumber/contextroot/pagename.cfm.
If you are updating an existing deployment of ColdFusion, undeploy
it for J2EE before you deploy ColdFusion 9.
When you deploy ColdFusion on an existing version of JBoss, expand
the EAR file or WAR files manually before deployment.
This document uses the following conventions:
- Directory where JBoss is installed, for example, C:\jboss-4.0.5SP1 in
Windows or /usr/local/jboss-4.0.5.SP1 on UNIX
- Application deployment directory in JBoss, for example, C:\jboss-4.0.5SP1\server\default\deploy
- Directory where ColdFusion is deployed, for example: C:\jboss-4.0.5SP1\server\default\deploy\cfusion.ear\cfusion.war
- Temporary location where you extract the cfusion.ear file.
Deploy ColdFusion on JBoss
To ensure that ColdFusion can deploy on JBoss 4.2/JBoss
5.01, perform the following steps instead of following the standard
instructions in the cf-j2ee-readme.txt file:
periods in the directory names, instead of renaming them with dashes,
for example, \deploy\cfusion.ear\cfusion.war.
Do not make the updates to application.xml.
Set JAVA_HOME to the appropriate JDK.
Install ColdFusion by using the J2EE deployment option and
selecting to create an EAR file (the default).
The installation
program creates the cfusion.ear file in the install directory.
Extract the cfusion.ear file into a TEMP_LOCATION\cfusion.ear
folder. This step creates cfusion.war and rds.war files and a META-INF
folder in the cfusion.ear folder.
In the cfusion.ear folder, extract the cfusion.war and rds.war
files into folders named cfusion and rds, respectively.
Delete the compressed cfusion.war and rds.war files.
Rename the cfusion and rds folders to cfusion.war and rds.war,
Stop JBoss if it is running.
Copy or move the TEMP_LOCATION\cfusion.ear folder into the JBOSS_DEPLOY_DIR
The resulting directory structure should appear as
JBoss 4.2.0 or JBoss 5.01
(Windows) Edit the JBOSS_HOME\bin\run.bat file by doing the
If not present, add the JVM (-Xmx512m)
parameter to JAVA_OPTS.
Ensure that the permanent generation heap size is set by
adding -XX:MaxPermSize=128m to JAVA_OPTS.
Without this parameter,
the JVM can generate a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError error. For more
information, see (
Ensure that the jars available in WEB-INF/flex/jars are in
the classpath.
Save the run.bat file.
Start the server by running the JBOSS_HOME\bin\run.bat file.
Note: If
you use Apache Derby database, add the following in run.bat: JAVA_OPTS=%JAVA_OPTS% -Djboss.platform.mbeanserver.
This is to ensure that Apache Derby do not start a JMX management
server that might conflict with JBoss.
(Linux) Edit the JBOSS_HOME/bin/run.conf file by doing the
In JAVA_OPTS, change -Xmx128m. to -Xmx512m.
Add -XX:MaxPermSize=128m to JAVA_OPTS.
Save the run.conf file.
Start the server by running the JBOSS_HOME/bin/ file.
enable features with operating system-specific binaries, configure ColdFusion.
This step is required to support the following features that use binaries
that are specific to your operating system:
CFX tags
written in C++
Microsoft Access driver with Unicode support (Windows only)
the following procedure for your operating system to configure the search
paths to find the required binary files. These files are located
in the CF_WEBAPP_ROOT\WEB-INF\cfusion\lib directory.
Note: If
you use Apache Derby database, add the following in run.bat: JAVA_OPTS="$JAVA_OPTS -Djboss.platform.mbeanserver". This
is to ensure that Apache Derby do not start a JMX management server
that might conflict with JBoss.
Configure operating system-specific binary support for Windows
Ensure that JBoss Server is stopped.
Edit JBOSS_HOME\bin\run.bat by adding the following:
set CF_LIB_PATH=JBOSS_DEPLOY_DIR\cfusion.ear\cfusion.war\WEB-INF\cfusion\lib
Edit the run.bat file that is located in the JBOSS_DEPLOY_DIR
by doing the following:

Locate the following text:
@echo off
rem -----------------------------------------------
rem JBoss Bootstrap Script for Win32
rem -----------------------------------------------
Below this text, insert three lines and paste.
set CF_LIB_PATH=JBOSS_DEPLOY_DIR\cfusion.ear\cfusion.war\WEB-INF\cfusion\lib
Save the file and start the server.
Note: You
must copy the version of tools.jar that the application server uses
to the cfusion/lib directory.
Configure operating system-specific binary support for Linux
Ensure that JBoss Server is stopped.
Edit JBOSS_HOME/bin/ by adding the following:
Save the file and start the server.
Enable COM support (Windows only)
Ensure that JBoss Server is stopped.
Edit JBOSS_HOME\bin\run.bat by adding the following:
set CF_LIB_PATH=%CF_LIB_PATH%;CF_WEBAPP_ROOT\WEB-INF\cfusion\jintegra\bin;CF_WEBAPP_ROOT\WEB-INF\cfusion\jintegra\bin\international
Save the file and start the server.
Enable communication with Flex
ColdFusion is configured to use RMI for LiveCycle Data Services
ES, ColdFusion listens on port 1099 by default. However JBoss typically
starts listening on this port before ColdFusion does; as a result,
an exception is thrown. To configure ColdFusion to use a different
RMI port, on the Java and JVM page of the ColdFusion Administrator,
specify the following in the JVM arguments text area:
Replace nnn with the value of an unused port. If you try
to connect from a LiveCycle Data Services ES server that is running
in another JVM server to ColdFusion over RMI, the Flex server must
start with the same JVM argument.
Disable RDS
Stop ColdFusion.
Edit JBOSS_DEPLOY_DIR\cfusion.ear\cfusion.war\WEB-INF\web.xml
by commenting out the following:
<!-- <servlet id="macromedia_servlet_8789">
<display-name>RDS Servlet</display-name>
<init-param id="InitParam_103401311065856789">
</servlet> -->
<!-- <servlet-mapping id="macromedia_mapping_9">
</servlet-mapping> -->
Save the file and start ColdFusion.
Prevent security-based errors
If you notice security-based errors when JBOSS is starting
(errors that mention Java and security), edit the run.bat file as
Go to the line that contains the -Xmx512m parameter.
Change the text: to
be -Dcoldfusion.disablejsafe=true %JAVA_OPTS%.
security errors occur because some versions of JBOSS cannot handle additional
encryption software that ColdFusion uses for higher security standards.
Some features, such as EJB3, require JDK 1.5.