Installing ColdFusion 9

Installing ColdFusion server configuration in Windows

Note: The Windows installer requires a computer that supports at least 256 colors.

Install ColdFusion in Windows

  1. Read the online version of the Release Notes for any late-breaking information or updates. For more information, see

  2. Ensure that your operating system meets the system requirements described on the Adobe website at

  3. Review Installation considerations for Windows and Installation considerations for all platforms.

  4. Determine the answers to the questions in the table in Gathering information necessary to install the server configuration.

  5. Close any applications that are currently running on your computer.

  6. If you plan to configure an external web server, ensure that the web server is running.

  7. Insert the DVD or download the setup file from the Adobe website.

  8. If the installation wizard does not start automatically when you insert the DVD, locate the setup.exe file on the DVD and double-click it. If you are installing from a network or a downloaded file, locate the ColdFusion installation executable file (coldfusion-90-win.exe) and double-click it.

  9. Follow the instructions in the installation wizard, and let it run to completion.

  10. Click OK to open the ColdFusion Administrator and configure the server.

  11. To install any other integrated Adobe or third-party technologies, see Installing Integrated Technologies.

  12. Configure and manage your system, as described in Configuring Your System.

  13. To learn about ColdFusion, read the documentation, which is accessible through the Documentation link on the Resources page of the ColdFusion Administrator.