As described in
Define ORM mapping, the persistent
fields for an object are defined in the CFC using
ColdFusion generates the accessor methods (getter and setter) for
each property in the CFC that can be invoked. For more information,
Implicit Get and Set Functions. For
example, if a property is defined in Artist as follows:
<cfproperty name="firstName" >
There are two methods generated in the Artist object:
You can invoke
these methods like regular methods in the CFC. For a property, the
generated setter saves the value for the property in the object's
VARIABLES scope. The generated getter retrieves the value of the
property from the VARIABLES scope. ORM always uses the property
value from the VARIABLES scope. That is, while saving the object's
data in the table, ORM retrieves the value of the property from
VARIABLES scope. While populating the object after reading from
the table, ORM puts the property's value in the VARIABLES scope.If
you define your own accessor methods for a property, store the property
value in the VARIABLES scope for ORM to access it.