ColdFusion 9.0 Resources Developing ColdFusion 9 Applications |
Specifying a languageIf you install the optional ColdFusion International Search pack, you can specify a language other than English when creating a collection. ColdFusion supports Verity Locales in European, Asian, and Middle Eastern languages. For more information about installing Verity Locales, see Installing ColdFusion. For English language support, Verity provides two options: English (Basic) and English (Advanced). The default language for Verity collections is English (Basic). Indexing a collection using English (Basic) is faster than using English (Advanced), however, English (Advanced) provides better search results. Specify a language when you create the collection. The language you specify should match the language the documents were authored in. By specifying the language your documents are written in, Verity is able to correctly interpret accented characters, and, in many languages, use variations of word stems and roots. However, Verity does not support the following in Eastern European and Middle Eastern languages, including these languages in the Universal language pack:
If you have documents in several languages, create separate collections for each of them. To specify a language when you are indexing data, select the language from the pop-up menu when you create a collection with the ColdFusion Administrator. In CFML, the cfcollection, cfindex, and cfsearch tags have an optional language attribute that you use to specify the language of the collection. Use the following table to find the correct value for the language attribute for your collection. For example, the following code creates a collection for simplified Chinese: <cfcollection action = "create" collection = "lei_01" path = "c:\CFusion\verity\collections" language = "simplified_chinese"> The following table lists the languages names and attributes that ColdFusion supports:
You can register collections in the ColdFusion Administrator or by creating a collection with the cfcollection tag. If you register a given collection with ColdFusion and you specify a language attribute, you do not have to specify the language attribute when using cfindex and cfsearch tags for that collection. If you do not register a given collection with ColdFusion, ColdFusion uses English (Basic), the default language, unless you specify the language in the language attribute for the cfindex and cfsearch tags for that collection. Note: When you search a collection in a language other
than English, translate operators such as AND and OR into the language
of the collection.