Developing ColdFusion 9 Applications
Ajax programming rules and techniques
The following techniques help you to prevent
Ajax application errors, improve application security, and develop
more effective applications.
Preventing errorsThe
following rules and techniques help you prevent errors in your applications:
To ensure that your code works properly, make sure that
all your pages, including dynamically loaded content and pages that
contain dynamic regions, have valid html, head,
and body tags, and that all script tags
are located in the page head. This is important for any page with
ColdFusion Ajax tags and script tags, where it
ensures that the script code is processed and that code is generated
in the correct order. It also prevents problems in some browsers,
such as Internet Explorer.
All JavaScript function definitions on pages that you include
dynamically, for example by using a bind expression, the ColdFusion.navigate function, or
a form submission within a ColdFusion Ajax container tag, must have
the following syntax format:
functionName = function(arguments) {function body}
definitions that use the following format might not work:
function functionName (arguments) {function body}
Adobe recommends that you include all custom JavaScript in external
JavaScript files and import them on the application’s main page,
and not write them in-line in code that you get dynamically. Imported
pages do not have this restriction on the function definition format.
In a CFM page, if you call a JavaScript function present
in a file that is bound to the page, ensure that you do not use
the keyword var while declaring the function. var declares
a function-local scope variable. Therefore, you cannot invoke the
JavaScript function from the parent page.
As a general rule, the id attributes or name attributes,
when you do not specify id attributes, of controls
should be unique on the page, including on any pages that you specify
in source attributes. Exceptions to this rule include
the following:
You can use the same name attribute
for all options in a radio button group. Bind expressions get information
about the selected button.
You can use the same name attribute for
check boxes in a group if you want a single bind expression to get
information about all selected controls in the group.
If you have multiple similar forms on a page, you might have
controls in each form with the same name or ID. You specify the
individual controls in bind expressions by including the form name
in the bind parameter.
Do not use an Application.cfc onRequestEnd function
or onRequestEnd.cfm page that creates output in applications that
use the cfajaxproxy tag or bind expressions that
call CFC functions to get data. ColdFusion Ajax features normally
require that all returned data from the server must be in JSON format;
the onRequestEnd method onRequestEnd.cfm page appends
any output as non-JSON information to the end of the returned data.
By default, all ColdFusion structure element names are in
all uppercase characters. Therefore, your client-side Ajax code,
such as an onSuccess function specified by a cfajaxproxy tag,
must use uppercase letters for the returned object’s element names
if you do not explicitly ensure that the element names are not all
uppercase. (You can create structure element names with lowercase
characters by specifying the names in associative array notation,
for example, myStruct["myElement"]="value".)
ColdFusion Ajax controls throw JavaScript errors if badly
formed HTML causes errors in the browser DOM hierarchy order. One
example of such badly formed HTML is a table that contains a cfform tag,
which in turn contains table rows. In this situation, you place
the table tag inside the cfform tag.
For browser-specific issues and other issues that could affect
application appearance and behavior, see the ColdFusion Release
Notes on the Adobe website at,
and the ColdFusion Developer Center on the Adobe website at
Improving securityColdFusion
includes several capabilities that help to ensure the security of
Ajax application. Also, the ColdFusion Administrator disables output
to the client-side logging window by default (see Enable logging output).
To prevent cross-site scripting, you cannot use remote
URLs in code that executes on the client. For example, if you use
a URL such as in a cfwindow tag source attribute, the
remote page does not load in the window and the window shows an
error message. If you must access remote URLs, do so in CFML code
that executes on the server, for example, by using a cfhttp tag
on the page specified by a source attribute.
When a CFC function returns remote data in JSON format, by
default, the data is sent without any prefix or wrapper. To help
prevent cross-site scripting attacks where the attacker accesses
the JSON data, you can tell ColdFusion to prefix the returned data
with one or more characters. You can specify this behavior in several
ways. The value of an item in the following list is determined by
the preceding item in this list:
In the Administrator,
enable the Prefix Serialized JSON option on Server Settings >
Settings page (the default value is false). You
can also use this setting to specify the prefix characters. The
default prefix is //, which is the JavaScript comment
marker that turns the returned JSON code into a comment from the
browser’s perspective. The // prefix helps prevent security breaches
because it prevents the browser from converting the returned value
to the equivalent JavaScript objects.
Set the Application.cfc file This.secureJSON and This.secureJSONPrefix variable
values, or set the cfapplication tag secureJSON and secureJSONPrefix attributes.
Set the cffunction tag secureJSON attribute.
(You cannot use the cffunction tag to set the prefix.)
a general rule, use one of these techniques for any CFC or CFML
page that returns sensitive data, such as credit card numbers.
you use any of these techniques, the ColdFusion Ajax elements that call
CFC functions, including bind expressions and the CFC proxies created by
the cfajaxproxy tag, automatically remove the security
prefix when appropriate. You do not have to modify your client-side
ColdFusion provides capabilities that help prevent security
attacks where an unauthorized party attempts to perform an action
on the server, such as changing a password. Use the following techniques
to ensure that a request to a CFML page or remote CFC function comes
from a ColdFusion Ajax feature, such as a bind expression or CFC
proxy, that is a valid part of your application:
the cffunction tag in a CFC function that returns
data to an Ajax client, specify a verifyClient attribute
with a value of yes.
At the top of a CFML page or function that is requested by
a ColdFusion Ajax client, call the VerifyClient ColdFusion
function. This function takes no parameters.
The VerifyClient function
and attribute tell ColdFusion to require an encrypted security token
in each request. To use this function, enable client management
or session management in your application; otherwise, you do not
get an error, but ColdFusion does not verify clients.
client verification only for code that responds to ColdFusion Ajax
client code, because only the ColdFusion Ajax library contains the
client-side support code. Enabling client verification for clients
other than ColdFusion Ajax applications can result in the client
application not running.
As a general rule, use this function
for Ajax requests to the server to perform sensitive actions, such
as updating passwords. Typically, do not enable client verification
for public APIs that do not need protected, search engine web services.
Also, do not enable client verification for the top-level page of
an application, because the security token is not available when
the user enters a URL in the browser address bar.
Programming effectivelyThe
following recommendations help improve or customize your ColdFusion Ajax
Use the AjaxOnLoad function, which specifies
a JavaScript function to run when the page loads, to perform any
initialization actions that are required for a page to function
properly. Use the AjaxOnLoad function to call functions when
a page is loaded in a container tag. One use for this function could
be on a page that pops up a login window if the user is not already
logged in when it displays. You can use the AjaxOnLoad function
to specify a JavaScript function that determines the login status
and pops up the window only if necessary.
Use the following ColdFusion JavaScript functions to access
the Ext JS or Yahoo YUI JavaScript library objects that underlie
border and tab style cflayout controls, cfwindow controls,
and HTML format cfgrid and cftree controls.
Then use the raw object to modify the displayed control.
documentation on the objects and how to manage them, see the Ext documentation
at and
the Yahoo toolkit documentation at