Developing ColdFusion 9 Applications
Updating Your Database
Adobe ColdFusion lets you insert, update, and delete information
in a database.
About updating your databaseColdFusion
was originally developed as a way to readily interact with databases. You
can quickly insert, update, and delete the contents of your database
by using ColdFusion forms, which are typically a pair of pages.
One page displays the form with which your end user enters values;
the other page performs the action (insert, update, or delete).
Depending on the extent and type of data manipulation, you can
use CFML with or without SQL commands. If you use SQL commands,
ColdFusion requires a minimal amount of SQL knowledge.
Inserting dataYou usually use two application pages to
insert data into a database:
An insert form
An insert action page
can create an insert form with standard HTML form tags or with cfform tags (see Creating custom forms with the cfform tag). When the user submits
the form, form variables are passed to a ColdFusion action page
that performs an insert operation (and whatever else is called for)
on the specified data source. The insert action page can contain
either a cfinsert tag or a cfquery tag with a SQL INSERT
statement. The insert action page should also contain a confirmation message
for the end user.
Creating an HTML insert formThe following procedure creates a form using
standard HTML tags.
Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
<title>Insert Data Form</title>
<h2>Insert Data Form</h2>
<!--- begin html form;
put action page in the "action" attribute of the form tag. --->
<form action="insert_action.cfm" method="post">
<td>Employee ID:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="Emp_ID" size="4" maxlength="4"></td>
<td>First Name:</td>
<td><input type="Text" name="FirstName" size="35" maxlength="50"></td>
<td>Last Name:</td>
<td><input type="Text" name="LastName" size="35" maxlength="50"></td>
<td>Department Number:</td>
<td><input type="Text" name="Dept_ID" size="4" maxlength="4"></td>
<td>Start Date:</td>
<td><input type="Text" name="StartDate" size="16" maxlength="16"></td>
<td><input type="Text" name="Salary" size="10" maxlength="10"></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="Contract" value="Yes" checked>Yes</td>
<td> </td>
<td><input type="Submit" value="Submit"> <input type="Reset"
value="Clear Form"></td>
<!--- end html form --->
Save the file as insert_form.cfm in the myapps directory
under your web_root and view it in your web browser.
Data entry form notes and considerationsIf
you use the cfinsert tag in the action
page to insert the data into the database, follow these rules for
creating the form page:
Create HTML form fields for only the database columns
into which you insert data.
By default, cfinsert inserts all of the
form’s fields into the database columns with the same names. For
example, it places the Form.Emp_ID value in the database Emp_ID
column. The tag ignores form fields that lack corresponding database
column names.
Note: You can also use the formfields attribute
of the cfinsert tag to specify which fields to
insert; for example, formfields="prod_ID,Emp_ID,status".
Creating an action page to insert dataYou
can use the cfinsert tag or the cfquery tag to create an
action page that inserts data into a database.
Creating an insert action page with cfinsertThe cfinsert tag is the easiest
way to handle simple inserts from either a cfform or an HTML form. This
tag inserts data from all the form fields with names that match
database field names.
Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
<head> <title>Input form</title> </head>
<!--- If the Contractor check box is clear,
set the value of the Form.Contract to "No" --->
<cfif not isdefined("Form.Contract")>
<cfset Form.Contract = "N">
<!--- Insert the new record --->
<cfinsert datasource="cfdocexamples" tablename="EMPLOYEE">
<h1>Employee Added</h1>
<cfoutput> You have added #Form.FirstName# #Form.Lastname# to the employee database.
Save the page as insert_action.cfm.
View insert_form.cfm in your web browser and enter values.
Note: You might want to compare views of the Employee
table in the cfdocexamples data source before and after inserting
values in the form.
Click Submit.
ColdFusion inserts your values into
the Employee table and displays a confirmation message.
Reviewing the codeThe following table describes the code and its
<cfif not isdefined("Form.Contract")>
<cfset Form.Contract = "N">
Sets the value of Form.Contract to No if
it is not defined. If the Contractor check box is unchecked, no
value is passed to the action page; however, the database field
must have some value.
<cfinsert datasource="cfdocexamples" tablename="EMPLOYEE">
Creates a row in the Employee table of the
cfdocexamples database. Inserts data from the form into the database
fields with the same names as the form fields.
<cfoutput>You have added #Form.FirstName# #Form.Lastname# to the employee database.</cfoutput>
Informs the user that values were inserted
into the database.
Note: If you use form variables
in cfinsert or cfupdate tags, ColdFusion automatically
validates any form data it sends to numeric, date, or time database columns.
You can use the hidden field validation functions for these fields
to display a custom error message. For more information, see Introduction to Retrieving and Formatting Data.
Creating an insert action page with cfqueryFor more complex inserts
from a form submittal, you can use a SQL INSERT statement in a cfquery tag instead of using
a cfinsert tag. The SQL INSERT statement
is more flexible because you can insert information selectively
or use functions within the statement.
The following procedure assumes that you have created the insert_action.cfm page,
as described in Creating an insert action page with cfinsert.
In insert_action.cfm, replace the cfinsert tag
with the following highlighted cfquery code:
<title>Input form</title>
<!--- If the Contractor check box is clear), set the value of the Form.Contract
to "No" --->
<cfif not isdefined("Form.Contract")>
<cfset Form.Contract = "No">
<!--- Insert the new record --->
<cfquery name="AddEmployee" datasource="cfdocexamples">
VALUES (#Form.Emp_ID#, '#Form.FirstName#',
'#Form.LastName#', #Form.Dept_ID#,
'#Form.StartDate#', #Form.Salary#, '#Form.Contract#')
<h1>Employee Added</h1>
<cfoutput>You have added #Form.FirstName# #Form.Lastname# to the employee database.
Save the page.
View insert_form.cfm in your web browser and enter values.
Click Submit.
ColdFusion inserts your values into
the Employee table and displays a confirmation message.
Reviewing the codeThe following table describes the highlighted
code and its function:
<cfquery name="AddEmployee" datasource="cfdocexamples">
INSERT INTO Employee VALUES (#Form.Emp_ID#,
'#Form.FirstName#', '#Form.LastName#',
#Form.Dept_ID#, '#Form.StartDate#',
#Form.Salary#, '#Form.Contract#')
Inserts a new row into the Employee table
of the cfdocexamples database. Specifies each form field to be added.
you are inserting data into all database fields in the same left-to-right
order as in the database, you do not have to specify the database
field names in the query.
Because #From.Emp_ID#, #Form.Dept_ID#,
and #Form.Salary# are numeric, they do not need
to be enclosed in quotation marks.
Inserting into specific fieldsThe preceding example inserts data into all the fields
of a table (the Employee table has seven fields). There might be
times when you do not want users to add data into all fields. To
insert data into specific fields, the SQL statement in the cfquery must specify the
field names following both INSERT INTO and VALUES. For example,
the following cfquery omits salary and start date
information from the update. Database values for these fields are
0 and NULL, respectively, according to the database’s design.
<cfquery name="AddEmployee" datasource="cfdocexamples">
Updating dataYou
usually use the following two application pages to update data in
a database:
An update form
An update action page
You can
create an update form with cfform tags or HTML form
tags. The update form calls an update action page, which can contain
either a cfupdate tag or a cfquery tag with a SQL UPDATE
statement. The update action page should also contain a confirmation
message for the end user.
Creating an update formThe
following are the key differences between an update form and an
insert form:
An update form contains a reference to the primary key
of the record that is being updated.
A primary key is
a fields in a database table that uniquely identifies each record. For
example, in a table of employee names and addresses, only the Emp_ID
is unique to each record.
An update form is populated with existing record data.
The easiest way to designate the primary key in an update form
is to include a hidden input field with the value of the primary
key for the record you want to update. The hidden field indicates
to ColdFusion which record to update.
Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
<title>Update Form</title>
<cfquery name="GetRecordtoUpdate" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT * FROM Employee
<cfoutput query="GetRecordtoUpdate">
<form action="update_action.cfm" method="Post">
<input type="Hidden" name="Emp_ID" value="#Emp_ID#"><br>
<td>First Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="FirstName" value="#FirstName#"></td>
<td>Last Name:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="LastName" value="#LastName#"></td>
<td>Department Number:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="Dept_ID" value="#Dept_ID#"></td>
<td>Start Date:</td>
<td><input type="text" name="StartDate" value="#StartDate#"></td>
<td><input type="text" name="Salary" value="#Salary#"></td>
<td><cfif #Contract# IS "Yes">
<input type="checkbox" name="Contract" checked>Yes
<input type="checkbox" name="Contract">Yes
<td> </td>
<td><input type="Submit" value="Update Information"></td>
Save the file as update_form.cfm.
View update_form.cfm in your web browser by specifying the
page URL and an Employee ID; for example, enter the following: http://localhost/myapps/update_form.cfm?Emp_ID=3
Reviewing the codeThe following table describes the code and its
<cfquery name="GetRecordtoUpdate" datasource="cfdocexamples">
SELECT * FROM Employee
Queries the cfdocexamples data source and
returns records in which the employee ID matches what was entered
in the URL that called this page.
<cfoutput query="GetRecordtoUpdate">
Makes available as variables the results
of the GetRecordtoUpdate query in the form created in subsequent
<form action="update_action.cfm" method="Post">
Creates a form whose variables are processed
on the update_action.cfm action page.
<input type="Hidden" name="Emp_ID" value="#Emp_ID#"><br>
Uses a hidden input field to pass the Emp_ID
(primary key) value to the action page.
First Name:
<input type="text" name="FirstName" value="#FirstName#"><br>
Last Name:
<input type="text" name="LastName" value="#LastName#"><br>
Department Number:
<input type="text" name="Dept_ID" value="#Dept_ID#"><br>
Start Date:
<input type="text" name="StartDate" value="#StartDate#"><br>
<input type="text" name="Salary" value="#Salary#"><br>
Populates the fields of the update form.
This example does not use ColdFusion formatting functions. As a
result, start dates look like 1985-03-12 00:00:00 and salaries do
not have dollar signs or commas. The user can replace the information
in any field using any valid input format for the data.
Contracto r:
< cfif #Contract# IS "Yes">
<input type="checkbox" name="C ontract" checked>Yes<br>
<input type="checkbox" name="Contract"> Yes <br>
<input type="Submit" value="Update Information">
The Contract field requires special treatment
because a check box appears and sets its value. The cfif structure puts a check mark in
the check box if the Contract field value is Yes,
and leaves the box empty otherwise.
Creating an action page to update dataYou can create an action page
to update data with either the cfupdate tag or cfquery with the UPDATE statement.
Creating an update action page with cfupdateThe cfupdate tag is the easiest
way to handle simple updates from a front-end form. The cfupdate tag
has an almost identical syntax to the cfinsert tag.
To use the cfupdate tag, include the primary
key fields in your form submittal. The cfupdate tag
automatically detects the primary key fields in the table that you
are updating and looks for them in the submitted form fields. ColdFusion uses
the primary key fields to select the record to update (therefore,
you cannot update the primary key value itself). It then uses the
remaining form fields that you submit to update the corresponding
fields in the record. Your form only needs to have fields for the
database fields that you want to change.
Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
<title>Update Employee</title>
<cfif not isdefined("Form.Contract")>
<cfset form.contract = "N">
<cfset form.contract = "Y">
<cfupdate datasource="cfdocexamples" tablename="EMPLOYEE">
<h1>Employee Updated</h1>
You have updated the information for #Form.FirstName# #Form.LastName# in the employee
Save the page as update_action.cfm.
View update_form.cfm in your web browser by specifying the
page URL and an Employee ID; for example, enter the following: http://localhost/myapps/update_form.cfm?Emp_ID=3
Enter new values in any of the fields, and click Update Information.
updates the record in the Employee table with your new values and
displays a confirmation message.
Reviewing the codeThe following table describes the code and its
<cfif not isdefined("Form.Contract")>
<cfset Form.contract = "N">
<cfset form.contract = "Y">
Sets the value of Form.Contract to No if
it is not defined, or to Yes if it is defined.
If the Contractor check box is unchecked, no value is passed to
the action page; however, the database field must have some value.
<cfupdate datasource="cfdocexamples" tablename="EMPLOYEE">
Updates the record in the database that
matches the primary key on the form (Emp_ID). Updates all fields
in the record with names that match the names of form controls.
You have updated the information for #Form.FirstName# #Form.LastName# in the employee database.
Informs the user that the change was made
Creating an update action page with cfqueryFor more complicated updates,
you can use a SQL UPDATE statement in a cfquery tag instead of a cfupdate tag. The SQL UPDATE
statement is more flexible for complicated updates.
The following procedure assumes that you have created the update_action.cfm page
as described in Creating an update action page with cfupdate.
In update_action.cfm, replace the cfupdate tag
with the following highlighted cfquery code:
<title>Update Employee</title>
<cfif not isdefined("Form.Contract")>
<cfset form.contract = "No">
<cfset form.contract = "Yes">
<!--- cfquery requires date formatting when retrieving from
Access. Use the left function when setting StartDate to trim
the ".0" from the date when it first appears from the
Access database --->
<cfquery name="UpdateEmployee" datasource="cfdocexamples">
UPDATE Employee
SET FirstName = '#Form.Firstname#',
LastName = '#Form.LastName#',
Dept_ID = #Form.Dept_ID#,
StartDate = '#left(Form.StartDate,19)#',
Salary = #Form.Salary#
WHERE Emp_ID = #Form.Emp_ID#
<h1>Employee Updated</h1>
You have updated the information for
#Form.FirstName# #Form.LastName#
in the employee database.
Save the page.
View update_form.cfm in your web browser by specifying the
page URL and an Employee ID; for example, enter the following: http://localhost/myapps/update_form.cfm?Emp_ID=3
Enter new values in any of the fields, and click Update Information.
updates the record in the Employee table with your new values and
displays a confirmation message.
When the cfquery tag retrieves date information
from a Microsoft Access database, it displays the date and time
with tenths of seconds, as follows:
Deleting dataYou use a cfquery tag with a SQL DELETE
statement to delete data from a database. ColdFusion has no cfdelete tag.
Deleting a single recordTo
delete a single record, use the table’s primary key in the WHERE
condition of a SQL DELETE statement. In the following procedure,
Emp_ID is the primary key, so the SQL Delete statement is as follows:
DELETE FROM Employee WHERE Emp_ID = #Form.Emp_ID#
You often want to see the data before you delete it. The following
procedure displays the data to be deleted by reusing the form page
used to insert and update data. Any data that you enter in the form
before submitting it is not used, so you can use a table to display
the record to be deleted instead.
In update_form.cfm, change the title to “Delete Form”
and the text on the submit button to “Delete Record”.
the form tag so that it appears as follows:
<form action="delete_action.cfm" method="Post">
Save the modified file as delete_form.cfm.
Create a ColdFusion page with the following content:
<title>Delete Employee Record</title>
<cfquery name="DeleteEmployee"
WHERE Emp_ID = #Form.Emp_ID#
<h1>The employee record has been deleted.</h1>
You have deleted #Form.FirstName# #Form.LastName# from the employee database.
Save the page as delete_action.cfm.
View delete_form.cfm in your web browser by specifying the
page URL and an Employee ID; for example, enter the following: http://localhost/myapps/delete_form.cfm?Emp_ID=3.Click Delete Record
deletes the record in the Employee table and displays a confirmation
Reviewing the codeThe following table describes the code and its
<cfquery name="DeleteEmployee" datasource="cfdocexamples">
DELETE FROM Employee WHERE Emp_ID = #Form.Emp_ID#
Deletes the record in the database whose
Emp_ID column matches the Emp_ID (hidden) field on the form. Since
the Emp_ID is the table’s primary key, only one record is deleted.
You have deleted #Form.FirstName# #Form.LastName# from the employee database.
Informs the user that the record was deleted.
Deleting multiple recordsYou can use a SQL condition to delete several
records. The following example deletes the records for everyone
in the Sales department (which has Dept_ID number 4) from the Employee
DELETE FROM Employee WHERE Dept_ID = 4
To delete all the records from the Employee table, use the following
Important: Deleting records from a database is not
reversible. Use DELETE statements carefully.