ColdFusion 9.0 Resources Developing ColdFusion 9 Applications |
Using debugging information from browser pagesThe ColdFusion debugging output that you configure in the Administrator displays whenever an HTML request completes. It represents the server conditions at the end of the request. For information on displaying debugging information while a request is processed, see Using the cftrace tag to trace execution. The dockable.cfm debugging output format shows the debugging output in collapsed format. The next sections show each of the debugging sections and describe how you can use the information they display. General debugging informationColdFusion displays general debugging information. In the classic.cfm output format, the information appears at the top of the debugging output and has no heading. The general debugging information includes the following values. The table lists the names used in the classic output template view.
Execution TimeThe Execution Time section displays the time required to process the request. It displays information about the time required to process all pages required for the request, including the Application.cfc, Application.cfm, and OnRequestEnd.cfm pages, if used, and any CFML custom tags, pages included by the cfinclude tag, and any ColdFusion component (CFC) pages. ![]() You can display the execution time in two formats:
Note: Execution time decreases substantially between
the first and second time you use a page after creating it or changing
it. The first time ColdFusion uses a page it compiles the page into
Java bytecode, which the server saves and loads into memory. Subsequent
uses of unmodified pages do not require recompilation of the code,
and therefore are substantially faster.
Summary execution time formatThe summary format displays one entry for each ColdFusion page processed during the request. If a page is processed multiple times it appears only once in the summary. For example, if a custom tag gets called three time in a request, it appears only once in the output. The following table describes the display fields:
The page icon indicates the requested page. Any page with an average processing time that exceeds the highlight value that you set on the Debugging Settings page in the ColdFusion Administrator appears in red. The next to last line of the output displays the time that ColdFusion took to parse, compile, and load pages, and to start and end page processing. This image is not included in the individual page execution times. The last line shows the sum of all the time it took to process the request. Tree execution time formatThe tree execution time format is a hierarchical, detailed view of how ColdFusion processes each page. If a page includes or calls second page, the second page appears below and indented relative to the page that uses it. Each page appears once for each time it is used. Therefore, if a page gets called three times in processing a request, it appears three times in the tree. Therefore the tree view displays both processing times and an indication of the order of page processing. As in the summary view, the execution times (in parentheses) show the times to process the listed page and all pages required to process the page, that is, all pages indented below the page in the tree. By looking at this output in this image you can determine the following information:
Database ActivityIn the Administrator, when Database Activity is selected on the Debugging Settings page, the debugging output includes information about database access. SQL QueriesThe SQL Queries section provides information about tags that generate SQL queries or result in retrieving a cached database query: cfquery, cfinsert, cfgridupdate, and cfupdate. The output displays the following information:
Stored ProceduresThe stored procedures section displays information about the results of using the cfstoredproc tag to execute a stored procedure in a database management system. The output displays the following information:
ExceptionsIn the Administrator, when Exception Information is selected on the Debugging Settings page, the debugging output includes a list of all ColdFusion exceptions raised in processing the application page. The exception information includes information about any application exceptions that are caught and handled by your application code or by ColdFusion. Exceptions represent events that disrupt the normal flow of an application. You should catch and, whenever possible, recover from foreseeable exceptions in your application, as described in Handling Errors. However, you might also want to be alerted to caught exceptions when you are debugging your application. For example, if a file is missing, your application can catch the cffile exception and use a backup or default file instead. If you enable exception information in the debugging output, you can immediately see when this happens. Trace pointsIn the Administrator, when Tracing Information is selected on the Debugging Settings page, the debugging output includes the results of all cftrace tags, including all tags that display their results inline. Therefore, the debugging output contains a historical record of all trace points encountered in processing the request. For more information on using the cftrace tag, see Using the cftrace tag to trace execution. Scope variablesIn the Administrator, when the Variables option and one or more variable scopes are selected on the Debugging Settings page, the debugging output displays the values of all variables in the selected scopes. The debugging output displays the values that result after all processing of the current page. By displaying selected scope variables you can determine the effects of processing on persistent scope variables, such as application variables. This can help you locate problems that do not generate exceptions. The Form, URL, and CGI scopes are useful for inspecting the state of a request. They let you inspect parameters that affect page behavior, as follows:
Using the dockable.cfm output formatThe dockable.cfm output format has several features that are not included in the classic.cfm debugging display. Application page selectionsColdFusion displays two buttons at the bottom of each page, as described in the following table:
Debug pane featuresThe debug pane has the following features: