Developing ColdFusion 9 Applications

Using the AIR SyncManager class to manage data

The AIR application uses the SyncManager class to fetch data from the server and synchronize the local data with the ColdFusion data source. The SyncManager uses a coldfusion.air.Session object to manage the session between the client and the local SQLite database, and uses calls to the following methods in the ColdFusion sync manager CFC:
  • fetch to get data from the remote system

  • sync to synchronize the local and remote data

The following text describes basic functionality that you must implement. For details on the SyncManager and Session classes, and other classes in the coldfusion.air package, see ASDocs.

The AIR application init() function creates and configures a SyncManager instance, and fetches the initial data from ColdFusion as shown in the following code:

private function init():void 
syncmanager = new SyncManager(); 
//The ColdFusion server and port. Port without double quotes as it is 
//expected to be integer and IP is taken as String. 
syncmanager.cfPort = CFServerPort; 
syncmanager.cfServer = "CFServerIP"; 
//The CFC that implements the ColdFusion sync manager. Here 
//AIRIntegration is the user defined folder under webroot. 
syncmanager.syncCFC = "AIRIntegration.empManager"; 
//Specify a user-defined CF destination,if not specified, default destination 
//'ColdFusion' will be used 
syncmanager.destination = 'USerDefinedCFDestination' 
//The event listener for conflict events returned byt the CFC 
syncmanager.addEventListener(ConflictEvent.CONFLICT, conflictHandler); 
//The local database file 
var dbFile:File = File.userDirectory.resolvePath("EmpManager.db"); 
//Create a session object, which handles all interactions between the 
//AIR application and the SQLite database. 
var sessiontoken:SessionToken = syncmanager.openSession(dbFile, 999); 
//Add a responder for handling session connection results. 
sessiontoken.addResponder(new mx.rpc.Responder(connectSuccess, 