ColdFusion 9.0 Resources ColdFusion 9 CFML Reference |
ApplicationStopDescriptionStops or resets the current application. The application is restarted on the next request to the application. Returnsvoid CategoryFunction Syntaxapplicationstop() HistoryAdded in ColdFusion 9. Example<!---- get artist by id ----> <cftry> ... .... <!---stops the application to reset the artistid, if the artworks for the artist do not exist---> <cfset applicationstop()/> <cfset artist = EntityLoad( "artist", url.artistid, True ) /> <cfoutput> <h2>#artist.getFullName()#</h2> <table width="400"> <tr> <th>Item</th> <th>Price</th> <th>Sold</th> </tr> <cfloop array="#artist.getArt()#" index="index"> <tr> <td>#index.getArtName()#</td> <td>#index.getPrice()#</td> <td>#index.getIsSold()#</td> </tr> </cfloop> </table> <p><a href="index.cfm">View list</a></p> </cfoutput> <cfcatch type = "any"> <cfoutput>Artworks for the selected artists are not available</cfoutput> </cfcatch> </cftry> |