ColdFusion 9.0 Resources ColdFusion 9 CFML Reference |
cfthrowDescriptionThrows a developer-specified exception, which can be caught with a cfcatch tag that has any of the following type attribute options:
Syntax<cfthrow detail = "detail description" errorCode = "error code" extendedInfo = "additional information" message = "message" object = "java except object" type = "exception type"> OR <cfthrow object = #object_name#> Note: You
can specify this tag’s attributes in an attributeCollection attribute
whose value is a structure. Specify the structure name in the attributeCollection attribute
and use the tag’s attribute names as structure keys.
See alsocferror, cfrethrow, cftry, onError; Handling Errors in the Developing ColdFusion Applications HistoryColdFusion MX: Changed thrown exceptions: this tag can throw ColdFusion component method exceptions. Attributes
UsageUse this tag within a cftry block, to throw an error. The cfcatch block can access accompanying information, as follows:
Example<h3>cfthrow Example</h3> <!--- Open a cftry block. ---> <cftry> <!--- Define a condition upon which to throw the error. ---> <cfif NOT IsDefined("URL.myID")> <!--- throw the error ---> <cfthrow message = "ID is not defined"> </cfif> <!--- Perform the error catch. ---> <cfcatch type = "application"> <!--- Display your message. ---> <h3>You've Thrown an <b>Error</b></h3> <cfoutput> <!--- And the diagnostic feedback from the application server. ---> <p>#cfcatch.message#</p> <p>The contents of the tag stack are:</p> <cfloop index = i from = 1 to = #ArrayLen(cfcatch.tagContext)#> <cfset sCurrent = #cfcatch.tagContext[i]#> <br>#i# #sCurrent["ID"]# (#sCurrent["LINE"]#,#sCurrent["COLUMN"]#) #sCurrent["TEMPLATE"]# </cfloop> </cfoutput> </cfcatch> </cftry> The following example shows how to throw an exception from a component method: <cfcomponent> <cffunction name="getEmp"> <cfargument name="lastName" required="yes"> <cfquery name="empQuery" datasource="cfdocexamples" > SELECT LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, EMAIL FROM tblEmployees WHERE LASTNAME LIKE '#arguments.lastName#' </cfquery> <cfif empQuery.recordcount LT 1> <cfthrow type="noQueryResult" message="No results were found. Please try again."> <cfelse> <cfreturn empQuery> </cfif> </cffunction> </cfcomponent> For an explanation of the example and more information, see Building and Using ColdFusion Components in the Developing ColdFusion Applications. |