ColdFusion 9.0 Resources ColdFusion 9 CFML Reference |
ImageGetBlobDescriptionRetrieves the bytes of the underlying image. The bytes are in the same image format as the source image. See alsocfimage, ImageGetBufferedImage, ImageGetEXIFTag, ImageGetHeight, ImageGetIPTCTag, ImageGetWidth, ImageInfo, IsImage Parameters
ExampleExample 1 <!--- This example shows how to add a ColdFusion image to a database. ---> <!--- Create ColdFusion image from a an existing JPEG file. ---> <cfimage source="aiden01.jpg" name="myImage"> <!--- Use the cfquery tag to insert the ColdFusion image as a BLOB in the database. ---> <cfquery name="InsertBlobImage" datasource="myBlobData" > INSERT into EMPLOYEES (FirstName,LastName,Photo) VALUES ('Aiden','Quinn',<cfqueryparam value="#ImageGetBlob(myImage)#" cfsqltype='cf_sql_blob'>) </cfquery> Example 2 The following example shows how to use the ImageNew function to generate thumbnail images in JPEG format from BLOB data retrieved from a database: <!--- Use the cfquery tag to retrieve all employee photos and employee IDs from a database. ---> <cfquery name= "GetBLOBs" datasource= "myBlobData"> SELECT EMLPOYEEID, PHOTO FROM Employees </cfquery> <!--- Use the ImageNew function to create a ColdFusion image from the BLOB data that was retrieved from the database. ---> <cfset myImage = ImageNew(#GetBLOBs.PHOTO#)> <!--- Create thumbnail versions of the images by resizing them to a 100x100-pixel image, while maintaining the aspect ratio of the source image. ---> <cfset ImageScaleToFit(myImage,100,"")> <!--- Convert the images to JPEG format and save them to files in the thumbnails subdirectory, using the employee ID as the filename. ---> <cfimage source="#myImage#" action-"write" destination="images/thumbnails/#GetBLOBs.EMPLOYEID#.jpg"> |