ColdFusion 9.0 Resources ColdFusion 9 CFML Reference |
UsageThe ImageRead function performs the same operation as the cfimageread action. However, you cannot use the cfimage tag to read and create a ColdFusion image variable in the cfscript tag. Use the ImageRead function within the cfscript tag to read ColdFusion images. The following example reads the image file aiden01.jpg into a variable called myImage and displays the image in the browser: <cfset myImage=ImageRead("../cfdocs/images/artgallery/aiden01.jpg")> <cfimage action="writeToBrowser" source="#myImage#"> For a list of valid image formats, see the supported image file formats listed in cfimage. To retrieve a list of readable formats on the server where the ColdFusion application is deployed, use the GetReadableImageFormats function. Example<!--- This example shows how to create a script that reads an image from a URL. ---> <cfscript> myImage=ImageRead(""); ImageWrite(myImage,"google-logo.gif"); </cfscript> <p>This image has been downloaded by ColdFusion:</p> <img src="google-logo.gif"> <p>This is the original image:</p> <img src=""/> |