ColdFusion 9.0 Resources ColdFusion 9 CFML Reference |
removeDenyDescriptionRemoves an ID from a group in the deny list for the gateway. If the gateway’s permit mode is DENY_SOME, the specified user can receive messages on the gateway’s presence state. See alsoaddDeny, addPermit, getDenyList, getPermitList, getPermitMode, removeBuddy, removePermit, setPermitMode, Using the GatewayHelper object in the Developing ColdFusion Applications Parameters
ReturnsTrue if the ID was removed from the group; False, otherwise. Note: If the XMPP server does not support permission
management, this function always returns False.
UsageIf the user is in multiple groups in your deny list, you remove the user separately from each group. The IM server enables sending status updates if you remove the name any group. ExampleSee GatewayHelper example, in the Developing ColdFusion Applications, which uses all GatewayHelper class methods. |