ColdFusion 9.0 Resources ColdFusion 9 CFML Reference |
cfcontinueSee alsocfabort, cfbreak, cfexecute, cfif, cflocation, cfloop, cfthrow, cftry; cfloop and cfbreak in the Developing ColdFusion Applications Example<!--- This shows the use of to return processing to the top of a loop when a condition is met.---> <!--- Select courses; use cfloop to find a condition; then break the loop. ---> <!--- Check that number is numeric. ---> <cfif IsDefined("form.course_number")> <cfif Not IsNumeric(form.course_number)> <cfabort> </cfif> </cfif> <cfquery name="GetCourses" datasource="cfdocexamples"> SELECT * FROM Courses ORDER by course_number </cfquery> <p> This example uses CFLOOP to cycle through a query to find a value. (In our example, a list of values corresponding to courses in the cfdocexamples datasource). When the conditions of the query are met, CFBREAK stops the loop. </p> <p> Please enter a Course Number, and hit the "submit" button: </p> <form action="cfbreak.cfm" method="POST"> <select name="courseNum"> <cfoutput query="GetCourses"> <option value="#course_number#">#course_number# </cfoutput> </select> <input type="Submit" name="" value="Search on my Number"> </form> <!--- If the courseNum variable is not defined, don't loop through the query.---> <cfif IsDefined ("form.courseNum") IS "True"> <!--- Loop through query until value found, then use CFBREAK to exit query.---> <cfloop query="GetCourses"> <cfif GetCourses.course_number IS form.courseNum> <cfoutput> <h4>Your Desired Course was found:</h4> <pre>#course_number# #descript#</pre> </cfoutput> <cfbreak> <cfelse> <br> Searching... </cfif> </cfloop> </cfif> |