ColdFusion 9 CFML Reference

cffile action = "uploadAll"


Copies all files sent to the page in an HTTP request to a directory on the server.


    action = "uploadAll" 
    destination = "full pathname" 
    accept = "list of MIME types" 
    attributes = "file attribute or list" 
    mode = "permission" 
    nameConflict = "behavior" 
    result = "result name">
Note: You can specify this tag’s attributes in an attributeCollection attribute whose value is a structure. Specify the structure name in the attributeCollection attribute and use the tag’s attribute names as structure keys.


See the History section of the main cffile tag page.








Type of file manipulation that the tag performs.



Pathname of directory in which to upload the file. If not an absolute path (starting with a drive letter and a colon, or a forward or backward slash), it is relative to the ColdFusion temporary directory, which is returned by the GetTempDirectory function.



Limits the MIME types to accept. Comma-delimited list. For example, the following code permits JPEG and Microsoft Word file uploads:

accept="image/jpg, application/msword"

The browser uses the file extension to determine file type.



Applies to Windows. A comma-delimited list of attributes to set on the file.

If omitted, the file’s attributes are maintained.

Each value must be specified explicitly. For example, if you specify attributes="readOnly", all other attributes are overwritten.

  • readOnly

  • hidden

  • normal (if you use this option with other attributes, it is overridden by them)



Applies only to UNIX and Linux. Permissions. Octal values of chmod command. Assigned to owner, group, and other, respectively, for example:

  • 644: assigns read/write permission to owner; read permission to group and other.

  • 777: assigns read/write/execute permission to all.




Action to take if filename is the same as that of a file in the directory.

  • Error: file is not saved. ColdFusion stops processing the page and returns an error.

  • Skip: file is not saved. This option permits custom behavior based on file properties.

  • Overwrite: replaces file.

  • MakeUnique: forms a unique filename for the upload. The name is stored in the serverFile field of the result structure for the file.



Lets you specify a name for the variable in which cffile returns the result (or status) parameters. If you do not specify a value for this attribute, cffile uses the prefix cffile. For more information, see Usage.


Use this tag in the page specified by the action attribute of a cffileupload control. This tag uploads save the files that the cffileupload control sends when the user clicks the Save File button.

After a file upload is completed, this tag creates an array of structures specified by the result parameter. Each structure in the array contains upload result information for one file. For information on the result structure contents, see cffile action = "upload".

Note: You can control the maximum file size of the upload by specifying the server Request Throttle Threshold or the Settings page of the Administrator Server Settings section.


The following example copies files uploaded by a cffileupload tag to a temp directory.

    <cffile action = "uploadAll" 
        destination = "c:\Upload" 
        nameConflict = "MakeUnique" 