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SpreadsheetReadBinaryDescriptionReads and stores content from a spreadsheet object and returns it as a byte array. ReturnsReturns a byte array of the stored spreadsheet information using the cfcontent tag. CategoryMicrosoft Office Integration Function syntaxSpreadsheetReadBinary(spreadsheetobj) See alsoSpreadsheetAddColumn, SpreadsheetAddImage, SpreadsheetAddRow, SpreadsheetDeleteRow, SpreadsheetDeleteRows, SpreadsheetFormatRow, SpreadsheetFormatRows, SpreadsheetShiftRows HistoryColdFusion 9: Added the function. Parameters
UsageExample<cfheader name="Content-Disposition" value="inline; filename=test.xls"> <cfset a = spreadhsheetnew()> <cfset spreadsheetAddRow(a,"a,b,c")> <!---You can do all the processing---> <cfset bin = spreadsheetReadBinary(a)> <cfcontent type="application/vnd-ms.excel" variable="#bin#" reset="true"> |