Configuring and Administering ColdFusion 9

Packaging and Deployment section

The Packaging and Deployment section of the Administrator lets you create and deploy CAR files. You can also create J2EE EAR or WAR files that include an existing ColdFusion application and the ColdFusion runtime system.

ColdFusion Archives page

The ColdFusion Archives page includes tools that let you archive and deploy ColdFusion applications, configuration settings, data source information, and other types of information to back up your files faster. The complete list of archivable information includes the following:

  • Name and file location

  • Server settings

  • ColdFusion mappings

  • Data sources

  • Verity collections

  • Scheduled tasks

  • Event gateway instances

  • Java applets

  • CFX tags

  • Archive to do lists

After you archive the information, you can use the Administrator to deploy your web applications to the same ColdFusion server or to a ColdFusion server running on a different computer. Additionally, you can use these features to deploy and receive any ColdFusion archive file electronically.

The Archive Settings page lets you configure various archive system settings that apply to all archive and deployment operations. For more information, see the Online Help.

J2EE Archives page

The J2EE Archives page lets you create an enterprise application archive (EAR) file or web application archive (WAR) file that contains the following items:

  • The ColdFusion web application.

  • Server settings, such as data sources and custom tag paths.

  • The CFML pages of your application, stored in the root directory of the ColdFusion web application.

With this EAR or WAR file, a J2EE administrator can deploy your ColdFusion MX application to a J2EE application server.

If you are creating a cluster of server instances when running the multiserver configuration, use this page to create the WAR or EAR files required to create each of the servers in the cluster.

You can create a J2EE archive regardless of whether you are running ColdFusion MX in the server configuration or the J2EE configuration. However, you must be running the J2EE configuration to deploy an EAR or WAR file.