Configuring and Administering ColdFusion 9

Solr collections

You can create Solr collections using ColdFusion Administrator or by using <cfcollection> tag.

The ColdFusion Administrator implements Solr support using the following panels in the Data & Services area:

ColdFusion Collections
Select the Solr collection option when creating a collection. Once a Solr collection is created, use the Index, Optimize, Purge, or Delete Actions under the Solr Collection area at the bottom of the panel.

You can also rename and alias a Solr collection in ColdFusion Administrator. For detail about how to rename and alias your Solr collection, see the ColdFusion Administrator Online Help.

Solr Server
Configure the Solr server host name, home directory, and other advance settings using the Solr Server page.

Migrate Verity Collection
Use this page to migrate an existing Verity collection to Solr. The Verity server must be running to use this utility.